Monday, August 22, 2011

Cameron's 1st Old Settlers

Ok ok I know he's not going to remember his first old settlers but. . .I WILL! haha, Our day started bright and early, we got all packed up and since we live close to downtown we just walked over to the fair this year. Cameron LOVED the parade! He snoozed on the way there and while we were waiting, but as soon as it started he was up and looking every where :)

I think his favorite part was all the motorcycles though. He also got spoiled by the grandrents with powdered sugar a super sweet lemonade! aghh! At first he wasn't so sure about it but the more they gave him the more he loved it!

After the parade we walked around the rest of the fair, he FINALLY got to meet Aunt Kimi :) and even mommy got to ride the bullet this year, the only thing we didn't do this year was eat my annual burrito! Disappointing! And the rodeo, only because I didn't want him to get eaten by all the bugs plus the thought of pulling a stroller through horse poop didn't seem fun. All in all it was a good first Old Settlers :)

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