Monday, August 22, 2011

Cameron's 1st Old Settlers

Ok ok I know he's not going to remember his first old settlers but. . .I WILL! haha, Our day started bright and early, we got all packed up and since we live close to downtown we just walked over to the fair this year. Cameron LOVED the parade! He snoozed on the way there and while we were waiting, but as soon as it started he was up and looking every where :)

I think his favorite part was all the motorcycles though. He also got spoiled by the grandrents with powdered sugar a super sweet lemonade! aghh! At first he wasn't so sure about it but the more they gave him the more he loved it!

After the parade we walked around the rest of the fair, he FINALLY got to meet Aunt Kimi :) and even mommy got to ride the bullet this year, the only thing we didn't do this year was eat my annual burrito! Disappointing! And the rodeo, only because I didn't want him to get eaten by all the bugs plus the thought of pulling a stroller through horse poop didn't seem fun. All in all it was a good first Old Settlers :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


So was doing a little bit if internet surfing today on when babies are suppose start rolling over and crawling and all that fun stuff and realized that Cameron is such a fast learner! I learned that most babies develop head control around 3 -4 months, Cam has had that down for a while and will be 3 months on Aug 16th! Next is rolling over which he should have completely mastered after 4 months, he hasn't gotten it mastered yet but is really close! He can get onto his side but the he will get stuck, feet waving in the air and everything, most of the time he will yell for help when this happens.

Then the actual crawling isn't suppose to happen until about 7-10 months (depends on the baby and the amount of time they get in practice). There are different types of crawling: 1. On arms and knees, the most common 2. Hands and feet, like bear crawling. 3. The army crawl, Cameron kinda does this one when he gets really excited. and finally 4. The Butt Shuffle, this one Cameron does all the time! Its where the baby scoots its self using only the legs and booty :)

There are also different techniques and exercises you can practice with babies that help them learn how to crawl. One of the biggest problems parents say they have is getting the baby comfortable lying on his tummy, but Cameron loves being on his tummy, he prefers it to his back actually, we don't let him sleep on his tummy but when hes awake and playing hes usually on the floor just kicking away. There are also toys and stuff you can buy that help babies learn which are pretty neat looking but I think Cameron is on a fast past to learning everything on his own! :)

Can't wait for my Facebook status to say "Cameron just crawled across the room for the first time!" hopefully I can get a video camera before then!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Do you ever feel like somehow your the UNlucky customer who happened to get the one person who can somehow manage to mess up the most simple of things? Hmm let me back up. We have been trying for the last week and a half to get our office set up out of our house so we did some calling around and got quotes from Cox and AT&T. Well AT&T happened to be considerably cheaper and were able to get us set up at an earlier date than Cox. So we scheduled an appointment for installation with them lets just call it day 1.

Day 2: "Installation Day" We were set up as an all day appointment, they told us someone would be out to install everything sometime between 8am-5pm. So to be sure we did not miss them, Richard stayed home all day to wait. Noon comes around, still no installation guy so I call customer service to see if I can get a rough ETA on him just to get an idea, I hold for a real person for 15 min before I give up and get back to work. 3pm, Rick calls again to get an ETA, gotta be soon right? He holds for another 15 min just to find out that "some one" changed our installation date to 2 weeks later. what?! He tries to ask why and their excuse is that I emailed them saying I changed my mind. . .now I know I can be forgetful but really? I'm pretty sure this is something I would remember. I am still at work as all this is going on of course, it was a long and busy day so I didn't actually get home til 430ish. As I walk in the door, Richard was then on hold for the bosses boss and had been on the phone with customer service for an hour and a half. He had been holding for quite sometime so handed me the phone for a little bit, I waited another 5 min or so until a very rude lady picked up the phone. She asked what I needed and I politely explained the situation to her and asked what she could do to resolve it. She responded with a dont know dont care attitude. After refusing to hang up until a solution was found we discovered the person who originally took my order for the installation was working on two different accounts at the same time and confused the two.We ended up rescheduling for 4 days later, never once did she apologize for blaming this mistake on me. ugh!

Day 3: "Installation Day Redo" So here we are 4 days later. It is another all day appointment :/ I call 8am to get an ETA and make sure someone actually is coming this time. They confirm it is on a techs schedule but cannot give an ETA so early in the day and say to call later in the day. 1pm I call again they say we are next on the list and that he should be there in about an hr. 330pm the tech shows up and apologizes, he says they JUST gave him the order to come to the house. This poor older man was at our house until 7pm getting everything set up for us. He looked at the order and the equipment they sent and was immediately confused on what they were doing. Fortunately for us he was able to hook everything up the way we needed it.

The whole experience with this company has been very long and stressful, really hoping the worse is over with them and that I will not ever have this kind of problems again! Their tech people seem to be much more friendly and helpful!! We were also able to get our installation fees waived by corporate for all the trouble we had to go through. :) **Finger crossed for days to come**